Young Sensei this Orange Oni Mask is a must have for all fans of Japanese folklore, Edo era, shinobi ninja and shogun 👹 Painting: made with environmentally friendly painting process, it is firm and has no odor Design: inspired by Japanese antiquity, the samurai world, shinobi and their Japanese masks Dimension: about 16cm wide and 13cm high Material and finish: this mask is made of resin, it has a fabric lining to ensure more comfort Quality: the curves are smooth for a "samurai mask" style. Ma

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POP花型网 » Young Sensei this Orange Oni Mask is a must have for all fans of Japanese folklore, Edo era, shinobi ninja and shogun 👹 Painting: made with environmentally friendly painting process, it is firm and has no odor Design: inspired by Japanese antiquity, the samurai world, shinobi and their Japanese masks Dimension: about 16cm wide and 13cm high Material and finish: this mask is made of resin, it has a fabric lining to ensure more comfort Quality: the curves are smooth for a "samurai mask" style. Ma
