Trade Sampling Trade customers please contact us at for free sampling/shipping and trade pricing. Alternatively you can complete the trade application form on the main menu. Roll Measurements • Roll Size - W: 5.9' x H: 9.8' (1.8m x 3m) • Each roll has 3 panels of W: 23.6" x H: 9.8' (60cm x 3m) and covers 59.2sqf (5,4m2) Product Code WPLC0602 Design A slow build up of patterns and shapes in various tones inspired by what we see in everyday life.

由于绝大部分设计作品皆来源自网络,我们无从考证其出处,不能证明该设计作品是否已被注册版权、是否存在侵权的可能。 遂:本平台对发布于公开区的设计作品,包含其文档内使用的(肖像素材、摄影素材、字体素材、美术作品素材等等)不作版权承诺,不作版权保证,不主张版权。请勿用于商业用途,仅作设计交流使用。 如在本平台充值下载公开区作品,即视为已知晓、已认可、已清晰版权问题,一切商用后果由买家自行承担!
POP花型网 » Trade Sampling Trade customers please contact us at for free sampling/shipping and trade pricing. Alternatively you can complete the trade application form on the main menu. Roll Measurements • Roll Size - W: 5.9' x H: 9.8' (1.8m x 3m) • Each roll has 3 panels of W: 23.6" x H: 9.8' (60cm x 3m) and covers 59.2sqf (5,4m2) Product Code WPLC0602 Design A slow build up of patterns and shapes in various tones inspired by what we see in everyday life.
