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"Circuit Board Statement Necklace is an elegant men's jewel that will add to your image a scent of geekiness and uncommonness. The Necklace is made of a piece of circuit board. The board piece is 3/8\" x 2\" (10 x 50 mm). The necklace comes with a ball chain 70cm (28\") in length that can easily be shortened with regular scissors. There are 8 colors of circuit board available: - blue - dark blue - red - green - black (dark brown) - purple - yellow (olive green) - orange You will receive one simi
japanesefashionarchive: “ Kansai Yamamoto (山本寛斎) embroidered “SUMO YAMAMOTO” stadium jacket. This is a Kansai Man piece, believed to be early 1990s. Two huge sumo wrestlers face off in the embroidery design on the back. The Kansai name is on the...