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PRICES MAY VARY. Cotton blend 进口 Pull On closure Cotton blend. Soft fabric.100% brand new and high quality! Our synthetic materials allow air to pass through and contain a hydrophobic, or ?water-hating?, quality within the fibers of the material which transport sweat to drier areas away from the skin. so it is warm and comfortable and it also ensures the stable quality of the sweater. The incredibly stylish women
These angelic wings rest easily upon your shoulders, and make a stunning transformation or instant costume piece. They are the most comfortable wings you will ever wear, with no straps or strings. The collar is sculpted by hand, hand painted and sealed, and the wings are assembled with individual goose feathers. The wings are easily detached from the collar, to enable easy transport, and allow you to wear the collar alone if desired. These can also be made in the colors: gold, rose gold, silver,
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